Art Posters - LOL Funny Singapore Series - Orh Luak


This series of posters are based on the past Singapore phrases or imagery that is just meant to giggle and not representing any harm nor aggression on any parties involved or serve as any form of disrespect.

Purely a Just For Laughs Poster.
How many of you remember the classic Orh Luak case?
Eating and taking picture of a plate of Orh Luak (Fried Egg omelette with oyster) makes having the intention of taking over a town. Interesting.

Measures by 210mm (w) x 297mm (h).
Printed on premium majestic cream metallic paper.
Frame not included

*Color may vary. Shipping is included in this instance.

All ideas, concept design, characters and fully original illustration are the property of Tee-Saurus. Tee-Saurus reserves all copyrights to this idea, artwork which cannot be reproduced or modified (whether in part or whole) without first obtaining written consent. All rights reserved.

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